Sunday, May 13, 2007

Things the Docent didn't tell us...

We went to a small museum yesterday--one of those ones where they elide 200 years of history to tell us what happened "back then." We saw school desks from yore, medical instruments from olden times, a car from early days, and a loom and spinning wheel from days of old.

The docent took us around and told us some interesting things about the old timey Quakers from Sandy Spring. It was actually a lovely installation.

When she had finished the tour, Simon wanted to go around again. He showed me a cash register from olden times. "See where that key is cracked?" he asked. "that's where they had a sword fight and somebody stabbed the cash register."

Then he led me to the kitchen area, where there was a large hearth. I showed him the "toaster"--which was attached to a long pole so you wouldn't have to get too close to the fire.

Simon: "there was a fire in there?"
me: Yes, that's where they cooked their food, so that whole area was a fire, like when we go camping.
Simon: well, they didn't have to stand so close in olden times. They had a large black screen they pulled in front of the fireplace like a window shade, so then the people wouldn't get burned. They didn't just have the fire out there in the middle of the room. That would be silly.

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