Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chabads on the Beltway

On the way to school this morning we saw a Chabad House van with a ginormous menorah on top. The menorah had four candles lit up, plus the shamesh.

Simon: They must really love Hanukkah.
Me: yeah, I guess they do!
Simon: But they don't really know much because it's the fifth night of Hanukkah today and they only have four candles lit.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Postcard Guy

(As told by Judy)

When he was in Copenhagen earlier this month, Lewis sent Simon a postcard.

Sarah: "Look, a postcard!"
Simon: "Yeah."
Sarah: "It came from Bapa!"
Simon: "Of course it did. He's the Postcard Guy."

Monday, December 4, 2006

Just regular lights

(As told by Sarah)

tonight on the way home we were late b/c we stopped to get something and it was getting dark...Simon saw all the Christmas lights in the neighborhood and got all excited, I said we'd take a walk to look at themwith our new 3-D glasses (the ones that turn them all into Jewish stars), blah blah so we were talking about Christmas lights and I said how we weren't going to have any on our house b/c we don't celebrate Christmas and he goes "well, I think we could put up some lights and put a big sign next to them with an arrow pointing that says 'these are just regular lights, they're not Christmas lights.'"