Friday, January 19, 2007

a convincing argument

Place: Borders, Children's Section
Situation: Simon is picking out a book as a reward. He has two books in front of him. One is cheaper, one is more expensive. I am trying to lead him toward the cheaper book.

Me: Look at this one. It's all about Mummies! It's so cool!
Simon: You think this is cool?
Me: Yes.
Simon: did you look at all the pages?
Me: Yes.
Simon: Did you see the page with all the weapons?
Me: um.
Simon: Do you think weapons are cool?
[long pause]
Me: No.
Simon: I think I'll be getting this other book.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fair is fair

Me: Have you ever heard of Robin Hood?
Simon: yes.
Me: who was he?
Simon: I don't remember.
Me: He was kind of like a knight.
Simon: with a K?
Me: Yes. He stole money from the rich and gave it to the poor, who really needed it.
Simon: [very concerned look on his face] But he left some money for the rich people too, right?

Thursday, January 4, 2007

on "girl knights"

Simon: Play castle with me.
Me: Ok. I'm the girl knight.
Simon: There are no girl knights.
Me: why not?
Simon: Because it wasn't a big enough set. It only came with boy knights.
Me: Well, we can make one of those into a girl knight.
Simon: No.
Me: Why not?
Simon: Girls can't be knights.
Me: Why not?
Simon: Because their hair is too long to fit into the helmets.