Sunday, May 13, 2007

Simon's To-Do list for this week

So, it was bound to happen.

Simon found the Palm Pilot. It turns out we hadn't been in the basement lately, since Grandma left her old one there at Passover, which was a month ago. It's been nice out, so we've played outside, I guess. Anyway, he just noticed it.

Last night Caitlin (the babysitter) told us that Simon found the palm pilot and proceeded to draw his own palm pilot on a piece of paper, copying all the buttons carefully (this was to match his paper cell phones and his paper calculator that he carries around sometimes). So this morning he was down there again copying the buttons. I asked if he wanted to see how it worked.

So we spent a bit of time looking at it, figuring out how to use the stylus. He found the note pad, wrote a few notes, and, as was to be expected, found the calculator.

While in the back of the car on the way back from a dinner party just now, Simon found the "to-do list feature."

Last I saw, he had added the following things to the list:
1. fathers day thing
2. t ball
3. 5 days of play

As I said good night he said "we can share this palm pilot, right?"

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