Monday, April 16, 2007

Calculators, Calculators, Everywhere

In the last week Simon has been discovering calculators everywhere.

He found one on the Casio keyboard that his Uncle David played with extensively as a youth. Did David know there was a calculator on the keyboard? Hard to say. Simon first noticed that there were "calculator signs" under some of the keys (ie +, -, x, =) and then figured out how to set the switch from "on" to "piano" to "cal". Had anybody ever wondered what "cal" meant? I hadn't. As far as I know, that thing has been in the family for 25 years with nobody noticing it had a calculator feature.

Then this weekend he discovered (through his own searching) the calculator feature on my laptop. (yes, he's discovered Windows menus...). "Mommy, what does accessories-calculator mean?" This one has fewer features--though it does have "percent"--a new fixation.

What other calculators lurk in the rest of the consumer electronics throughout the house? Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Josh said...

One would think the kid can't count -- and desperately needs to -- or something.