Friday, February 9, 2007

we weren't there for this one

So I get to Simon's school this afternoon and am immediately approached by the Director. "Did you hear about what your wonderful son did today?" she asked.
No, I hadn't. But I was about to!

Apparently, during circle time today, they made a board with everybody's name inside a construction-paper heart. Each kid took a turn standing up, saying something nice about one of their friends, and putting a heart sticker on the construction-paper heart with that kid's name. For example, Ethan put a heart sticker on Trey's heart, saying "he plays Superman with me." I guess the idea is, by Valentines' Day, they'll each have several stickers on their construction-paper hearts.

So the activity continues. Apparently everybody is putting stickers on their best friend's heart. Simon's the last kid to go. He stands up, looks at all the hearts, notices that one kid doesn't have any stickers yet. He says out loud but in a whisper "Alex doesn't have a sticker" and says "Alex played with me outside" and put the sticker on her construction-paper heart.

Now, apparently, none of the teachers saw Simon playing with Alex, so at least according to them, he was making it up so she wouldn't feel bad that she didn't have a sticker.

Ana Liza apparently started to cry. Necy told me later that "if I'm still living in this country in 30 years, I'm going to hope that Simon runs for president so I can vote for him because he's the kindest person I know." Shamaurie was so moved that he went and printed out a few poems about doing nice things for other people and put them in Simon's cubby for him to bring home. And, they apparently told Gwen, the Director of the center because by the time I got there she already knew.

It was really quite something.

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