Monday, February 5, 2007

An Excellent Source of Calcium

time: 5:00pm
place: kitchen

Simon: can I have a Fudgy Bar?
me: how about a piece of cheese?
Simon [reading the box of "healthy" chocolate cookies we picked out at Whole Foods yesterday]: Fudgy Bars have 12 essential vitamins and minerals.
me: so they do.
Simon: Daddy says vitamins and minerals are good for you.
me: so they are.
Simon: this has vitamin K and vitamin B-12.
me: ok ok have a fudgy bar.

time: 6:30pm
place: kitchen

Simon: I ate all my food. What can I have for dessert?
me: you already had dessert before dinner.
Jay: Oh? what did you have?
me: one of those cookies. [points to Fudgy Bar bag]
Simon: those aren't cookies.
Simon [reading off the bag of Fudgy Bars]: it says right there: "Healthier than a cookie!"
Jay: you can have 4 chocolate chips.

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