Monday, August 18, 2008

more Olympic musings

Simon reads in the paper that China has more gold medals, but the US has more total medals. He thinks this over.

Simon: Wouldn't it be cool if you could be Chinese-American?
Me: You can!
Simon: really???
Me: Well, *you* can't, but lots of people are Chinese-American, maybe they moved here from China, or their parents or ancestors did.
Simon [thinking...thinking...thinking..lightbulb turning on]: OH! So African-Americans have an ancestor from Africa?


We watched last week as a kayaker from Togo won the bronze, the first medal ever for Togo in the Olympic Games. Ever. Simon was very taken by this news. He's been bringing it up a lot. Last night we watched some rowing race in which Australia won a medal. Simon notes that Australia has already won many medals.

Simon: Wouldn't it be cool if Australia, just for the Olympics, was part of Togo, and then when they won that medal, Togo would have won their second medal!!


Simon: But, I guess, winning your second medal wouldn't be as exciting as winning the first one, so maybe that wouldn't matter.


Simon: But, Michael Phelps was really, really happy to win his second medal, so probably Togo would still like to win another one, too.

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