Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the coat boycott continues

so Simon has spent most of the winter resisting wearing a coat. If he can get away with it, he'll wear his gray fuzzy sweatshirt from Aunt Mary Claire even if it's in the 30s. We finally reached a compromise position: he'll wear a coat outside but not in the car. Fair enough.

The other day I forgot to remind him to take off his coat before getting in the car, and there ensued a long production of him trying to get off the coat while strapped into his booster seat.

Me, from the front seat: You know, we'll be home in like 2 minutes, just leave it on!
Simon: no, I have to take it off. I can't wear a coat in the car.
Me: really? for 2 minutes?
Simon, shrugging his shoulders: That's just how I roll!

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