Sunday, February 24, 2008

We'll see

David: Is this a wise activity?
Sarah: We'll see.

The word has lost all meaning

Simon has been listening a lot lately to ERD's collection of the best music of 2007, which includes a song by the Pierces called "Boring." In the tune, the sisters are bored with their active jet-setting life.
Saturday night, we look alright, we're going out... boring.
Paris, France, Londontown; NYC... boring.
Galliano, Donatella, Dolce & Gabbana... boring.
Caviar, escargot, Dom Perignon... boring.
With that in mind, Simon was having lunch last weekend at the Air & Space Museum. He looked down at the spread of food in front of him and said with a smile:

"Chicken nuggets, French fries, milk ... boring."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the coat boycott continues

so Simon has spent most of the winter resisting wearing a coat. If he can get away with it, he'll wear his gray fuzzy sweatshirt from Aunt Mary Claire even if it's in the 30s. We finally reached a compromise position: he'll wear a coat outside but not in the car. Fair enough.

The other day I forgot to remind him to take off his coat before getting in the car, and there ensued a long production of him trying to get off the coat while strapped into his booster seat.

Me, from the front seat: You know, we'll be home in like 2 minutes, just leave it on!
Simon: no, I have to take it off. I can't wear a coat in the car.
Me: really? for 2 minutes?
Simon, shrugging his shoulders: That's just how I roll!

And no, he's not getting one

Simon's latest plan is to get a computer in his room. Yesterday he had a whole discussion with Jay about how "convenient" it would be if he had a computer on his desk in his room. Then he could google and have bookmarks from his room and "not have to fill up mommy’s computer," etc. etc. So considerate!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Indecision '08

I pick Simon up at aftercare today, and he's kind of grumpy. He can't decide whether or not to stay for snack (goldfish crackers). He kind of wants to and he kind of doesn't. I tell him to decide. He stands there, silent, unable to decide. He's driving me crazy. I insist we leave.

At home, several pieces of cheese and a cucumber-with-salt later, Simon and I are in the kitchen discussing the election. He asks if I've decided yet who I'm voting for. I say no.

"Well," says Simon, "I guess now you understand how I couldn't decide about the goldfish!"
"sometimes," says Simon, "it's kind of hard to make decisions."

Too true.

the lure of the airplane

so Simon has been very into the Natural History Museum lately. On Saturday, we ended up having to walk to Natural History from the other end of the Mall. I suggested we walk through Air & Space for a change of venue. Simon demurred, saying he had no interest whatsoever and wanted to push through to Natural History. I insisted. He said fine, we'd just walk quickly through, and only because it was cold.

We enter the doors of Air & Space. Simon looks up. "Hm." he says. "Maybe we should just see what they have."

2 hours later, we walk through the front doors onto the Mall, on the way (still) to Natural History.

"Wow," says Simon. "we really got sucked in, didn't we!"