Thursday, July 26, 2007

I don't use letters

Simon is taking a bath. Uncle David, overseeing this activity, looks for the floating letters and other bath toys typically lying around.

Uncle David: Let's spell something. Where are your floating letters?
Simon: I don't use letters. Now I conduct scientific experiments.
Uncle David: Okay, let's do some experiments.

Simon proceeds to pour various amounts of water into a little plastic cup, examining the levels and then pouring out the water. When he covers the cup with a towel, the water doesn't spill when he turns it upside down. He was very pleased with the results of his experiments.

Just a kitchen

As part of his bedtime ritual, Simon walks around the house and says goodnight to each room. Last night, though, he was in a rush to get to his bedroom to have his uncle read more from his new "Encyclopedia Brown" books, and he decided to skip the kitchen.

Uncle David: Hey, you skipped the kitchen.
Simon: The kitchen doesn't need me to say goodnight to it.
Uncle David: Why not?
Simon: Well, it's just a kitchen.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

America the beautiful

As told by Sarah to Aunt Marnie.

Location: In a car, driving through mountains somewhere between Portland, Ore., and Pocatello, Idaho.

Simon, looking out the car window: "I see purple mountain majesties!"

Saturday, July 14, 2007

You're welcome!

(As told by Aunt/"Uncle" Marnie.)

Simon sent David & I a thank-you card the other day, pictured above.

(Aided by Simon's sense of humor regarding words that rhyme and misplaced proper nouns, we often send him postcards signed by Uncle Sharktooth & Aunt Fishscale or Uncle Pirate & Aunt Pegleg, depending on the theme of our travels.)

Clearly, he has learned how to participate in this game.

Later, I mentioned the card to Sarah, who reported that Simon declared that he was going to do "something tricky" on the card and proceeded to laugh for 10 minutes.